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10000pcs Tall Fescue Grass Seeds Garden Ideal Lawn

  • $6.29

10000 Tall Fescue Grass Seeds Garden Ideal Lawn

Tall fescue grass, whose scientific name is Festuca arundinacea,is a cool-season perennial species of bunchgrass native to Europe.

Height: 8-30CM
Planting Rate: New Lawns: 8 lbs/1,000 sq ft
Overseeding: 4 lbs/1,000 sq ft
Planting Depth: 1/8”
Germination: 7-21 days
Mowing Height: 3”-4”
Package weight: About 40g

Growth Habit:
Daily Light Required Full sun to medium shade (4-8 hours of daily sun)
Sun Tolerance Very good
Shade Tolerance Moderate
Grass Texture Moderately fine
Drought Tolerance Excellent
Traffic Tolerance Good
Recommended Planting Dates Early spring or early fall

It is an ornamental grass in gardens,and a phytoremediation plant,and also an important forage grass throughout Europe,and many cultivars have been used in
Tall fescue spreads in a common way as many other grass species - through tillering and seed trans-mission, but not by stolons or rhizomes.
And this species of grass has a long growing season and ranges between 2 to 4 feet (1.2 m) tall in seedhead stage.
Growth may occur year-round if conditions are adequate,but typically growth ceases when soil temperature falls below 40°F (4°C).

Package Included:
10000 X Tall Fescue Grass Seeds

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